Get your refund of your airfare now!

2020 was truly not known as a year for travel. The pandemic hit most people's freedom to travel particularly hard. So instead of snorkeling in the Maldives, hiking vacations in one's own country were more on the agenda.

Almost the majority of all flights were cancelled due to the pandemic. But this is not a reason why you have to sit on the incurred costs. We at Captain Frank are committed to ensuring that you receive legitimate compensation.

Get it now!

The fast way to reimbursement arrow-right


#1 Risk free initial assessment

(Duration: just a few minutes)

Get an estimation with Captain Frank whether you are entitled to compensation and if so, how much. You can find all the information here on our site - 100% free of charge. If you have any questions, we are here for you.

Request your assessment now

#2 Case examination

(Duration: few days)

Once all other details have been clarified, Captain Frank and his lawyers will take care of your mandate in a precise and reliable manner.

Check your claim now

#3 Cash check

(Duration: few weeks)
Once your case is closed, the money lands in your account. Because at Captain Frank, only one thing matters: only when you get the refund you deserve are we satisfied.
Get your money back now!

Jetzt Ihren Anspruch auf eine Kostenrück­erstattung sichern!

Sind Ihre Urlaubspläne corona-bedingt geplatzt bevor sie überhaupt starten konnten? Hat die Airline Sie auf Ihren Flugkosten sitzen lassen? Dann zögern Sie nicht und prüfen Sie Ihren Fall von unseren Rechtsexperten. Denn durch die zahlreichen Flugstornierungen aufgrund von Corona ist nicht nur ein enormer Kostenberg für die einzelnen Fluggesellschaften entstanden, sondern auch für Sie.

Doch damit ist künftig Schluss. Wir von Captain Frank setzen alles daran das zu ändern. Über das Kontaktformular können Sie bequem mit uns in Kontakt treten.

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