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Captain Frank insists:

Consumer rights are for everyone!

Has something gone wrong? Check your claim free of charge with Captain Frank and secure compensation easily.

Captain Frank_Main

Captain Frank's areas of expertise

Flight delay, late delivery, job termination or divorce, Captain Frank takes care of it.

 Legal security     Transparent communication     Data security     Costs only in case of success


Flight delay & other flight disasters

Flight canceled or delayed 3+ hours? Check your entitlement to compensation now.


Termination by the employer?

Dismissed by your employer? Get in touch with us quickly, we will enforce your rights.

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Fuel cell delivery delay

The delivery of your fuel cell has been delayed? Secure your claim now!

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Divorce by mutual consent

An amicable divorce saves time, money and goes online! We advise you free of charge.

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Uncooperative opposite side

Failed in your attempt to claim your rights? No problem, we'll take care of it.

Three steps to compensation

Getting justice has never been easier or cheaper!

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Free initial assessment

Enter your case in just a few clicks and receive a free initial assessment immediately.

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Captain Frank takes care

Lean back while Captain Frank is in charge of the handling.



Treat yourself with your money

You think about what to do with the compensation that Captain Frank has transferred.

Treat yourself thanks to your compensation

Captain Frank increases your chances of receiving compensation:

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We know the legal situation and the providers' scams inside out

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We have a strong position vis-à-vis your debtor

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We have the means to enforce consumer rights

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We are the cheapest providers on the market

Our fair service

Risk-free and free of charge if we don't get justice.

Personal communication with our Captain Frank team

Compiling your case file

Claim & reminder

Communication & disputes with the other party

Filing a lawsuit

Enforcing your rights in court

Queries with lawyers


And it can be even fairer: We believe that you have already suffered enough injustice, which is why - unlike others - we do not charge any additional fees when it goes to court. This makes us one of the cheapest providers on the market (according to Stiftung Warentest).

Ask the law

Captain Frank's Legal.ai answers all your questions about the law. Try it out now and experience the law more easily than ever before.

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Trust Captain Frank and treat yourself with your money

Find out what claims and compensation you are entitled to within a few minutes free of charge - thanks to the latest technology and our expertise in consumer law.


400 +

won cases


15 +

years experience


240 +

satisfied customers


100 %

risk free

You know us from