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Die Stimme unserer Kunden

Jetzt gegen Ihre Kündigung handeln!

Sie möchten sicherstellen, dass Sie die Abfindung erhalten, die Ihnen zusteht? Füllen Sie das Formular in wenigen Schritten aus und Sie erhalten sofort eine kostenlose Ersteinschätzung zu Ihrem Fall! 

Severance payment calculator

That's how much severance pay you're entitled to:
(in years)


Dein Recht auf Abfindung

Jetzt deine Abfindung sicherstellen

Three steps to severance pay

Getting justice has never been easier and cheaper

Group 42

Free initial assessment

You provide us with your data and receive a free initial assessment from us.

Group 33-2

Captain Frank takes care

You lean back while Captain Frank is in charge of processing.


Treat yourself with your severance pay

You think about what you're going to do with the severance pay that Captain Frank transferred.

Our fair serviceRisk-free and free of charge if we don't get it right. If it works, we share the success - 75% goes to your account, 25% incl. VAT goes to Captain Frank, for

Risk-free and free of charge if we don't get it right. If it works, we share the success - 75% goes to your account, 25% incl. VAT goes to Captain Frank, for

Personal communication with our Captain Frank team

Compiling your case file

Claim & reminder

Communication & disputes with employer

Filing a lawsuit

Enforcing your rights in court

Queries with lawyers


Check your right to severance pay now

Do you want to make sure you receive the severance pay you are entitled to?

Get a free and risk-free initial assessment from our specialist employment lawyer now.
