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Save time and money with an amicable online divorce!

In recent years, despite an increase in marriages and a simultaneous decrease in divorces, 39.6% of all marriages still ended in divorce.

An amicable divorce offers great advantages - the prerequisite for this is that both partners agree on the divorce and its consequences. It is sufficient if one of the spouses then appoints Captain Frank - we will then take care of everything else and have our partner lawyer submit the divorce application.

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Process of an amicable divorce

Step 1: Free initial consultation

In the first free consultation with our partner lawyer, you will clarify any open questions regarding the consequences of the divorce (e.g. custody, maintenance obligations) and what court costs you will incur. You will also find out how you can save additional costs with Captain Frank in your personal case.

Step 2: Filing for Divorce & Setting the Court Date

Captain Frank applies for your divorce quickly and easily through our partner lawyer.

Setting the court date is beyond Captain Frank's influence and, depending on how busy the courts are, it can take up to 6-12 months in individual cases. But it often happens faster and within a few weeks. 

Step 3: Divorce appointment

The divorce will be carried out on the day set by the family court. The divorce decision is then announced by the responsible judge.

Get a free initial consultation now!

Do you and your partner want to divorce as easily and inexpensively as possible?

Book your free, non-binding consultation with our experts now.
